Track Rules
North Florida Motorplex follows WDRA Rules and has added the following to our track rules. When signing and turning in your tech card, you confirm your car is up to WDRA safety standards. (Track is not responsible if not)
Race Rules
- Double Entries allowed if in separate classes at points races. Other races may allow double entries in the same class.
- No Car or Driver can be entered more than 2x.
- 1st Round Bye Run will be a Random Draw.
- Subsequent Bye Runs given to best winning RT. Ties broken by best package. In the event of an even pairing, the Bye Car has lane choice. Unused byes do carry over. An entry cannot take two byes unless all other entries have also previously taken a bye.
- Drivers may not switch lanes after entering the staging lanes. Once the lanes run out of even Left/Right Pairs of cars, the remaining drivers will be paired front to back, and any late arrivals to the lanes must go to the tail end of the single file line. Lane choice will be determined by card draw.
- Once the car reaches the ready line the dial can NOT be changed.
- If a car cannot crank or has a problem in the staging lanes, once their opponent reaches the ready line, they will be put on a 1 min timer. If car does not make the time, then they will be disqualified, and their opponent will have a competition bye.
- Once you start eliminations with a car you are not allowed to switch cars.
- All cars must break stage beams each round to receive points.
- Curtesy staging is always enforced.
- Driver assumes ALL responsibility for being sure you dial is correct. Once you take the tree you accept the dial.
- Race Director will have the final say in all matters.
- North Florida Motorplex abides by all WDRA Safety Rules
- 0.00-9.00 ET
- Cross Talk will be used and NOT turned off
- Delay boxes, trans brakes, electric/air shifters, data recorders, permitted
- NO traction control, wheel speed sensors, drive shaft sensors, slew rate, down track stutter, GPS, or any other ET/Speed controlling device can be used or hooked up during eliminations. Random checks can and will be done.
No Box
- North Florida Motorplex abides by all WDRA Safety Rules
- All run, no center steer cars, altered, or dragsters.
- Trans Brakes, 2 step, line locks, electric/air shifters permitted.
- Delay boxes NOT allowed in NB. If running two classes, delay box must removed from vehicle. If caught using delay box in NB, you will be eliminated.
- NO traction control, wheel speed sensors, drive shaft sensors, slew rate, down track stutter, GPS, or any other ET/Speed controlling device can be used or hooked up during eliminations. Random checks can and will be done.
- DEEP Staging is allowed, must be marked on all four sides of the car.
- North Florida Motorplex abides by all WDRA Safety Rules
- (Door Cars Only, 7.50 and slower):
- Slicks and headers are allowed.
- Linelocks are permitted if used only for the burnout process.
- OEM automated shifters are allowed.
- Delay boxes prohibited and must be removed from entry.
- Vehicles may not use starting line enhancers, transmission brakes, buttons on the steering wheel, two steps, and nitrous oxide.
- Pneumatics, electronics, hydraulics or any other device
may not affect the throttle operation in any way. Fixed, mechanical stop on
carburetor linkage or throttle pedal is permitted.
Jr. Dragster
- North Florida Motorplex abides by all WDRA Safety Rules
- Do not get caught going down the track with your head out of the front of the cage.
- All Jr Drivers must be picked up at the ET Booth. No competitor is allowed to drive the car under power past this point. THIS WILL BE ENFORCED!
- Courtesy Staging is mandatory.
- Locking up the brakes and sliding the tires at the finish line is prohibited.
- All competitors must run ET for the age that they are licensed for.
- D/JD (12.90): Ages 6–7 and restricted to 12.90 seconds or slower. If a
competitor runs quicker than 12.70, one warning may be issued. A second
instance may result in disqualification. Competitors running 12.50 or quicker
may be disqualified without warning.
C/JD (11.90): Ages 7–9 and restricted to 11.90 seconds or slower. If a
competitor runs quicker than 11.70, one warning may be issued. A second
instance may result in disqualification. Competitors running 11.50 or quicker
may be disqualified without warning.
B/JD (8.90): Ages 10–17 and restricted to 8.90 seconds or slower. If a
competitor runs quicker than 8.70, one warning may be issued. A second
instance may result in disqualification. Competitors running 8.50 or quicker
may be disqualified without warning.
A/JD (7.90): Ages 12–17 and restricted to 7.90 seconds or slower. If a
competitor runs quicker than 7.70 or faster than 85 mph, one warning may
be issued. A second instance may result in disqualification. Any competitor
running quicker than 7.50 may be disqualified for the remainder of the event
without warning and may lose their competition license for 6–months.
AA/JD (7.50): Ages 16 to 17 and restricted 7.50 or slower. Driver must have a
valid state or provincial driver’s license and make the required passes prior to
being issued an AA/JD license. One warning will be issued if a competitor runs
90 mph or faster or an elapsed time of 7.40 or quicker. A second instance at
the same event they may result in disqualification. Running 95 mph or faster
or 7.30 or quicker, may result in immediate disqualification and license
suspension at the discretion of the WDRA